Our APIs go through a specific set of stages before they are considered 'published' (and therefore immutable) references. You may have noticed our APIs are marked with labels (e.g., "beta" or "in development") in the API Documentation page. Below is a clarification of each stage in our APIs lifecycle, ordered from start to finish. Use this to determine the stability of the APIs you are using.
Status | Description | Stability |
In Development | These APIs are actively being worked on and may be unusable at any given time. | Least stable. Subject to major bugs & large-scale changes. Not recommended for use in production environments. |
Beta | Initial development of these APIs is complete. API changes possible from beta user feedback. | Subject to major bugs & small changes. Not recommended for use in production environments. |
Early Access | These APIs should be free of major problems. Changes likely to be confined to additions (not modifications) to the API. | Subject to minor bugs & small changes. Appropriate for non-critical use in production environments. |
Published | The given version of these APIs is considered "published" and will not change. Any new changes to interface will be confined to a new API version. | Most stable. Appropriate for use in production environments. |